Column: Moose Mission: Impossible: Part 2

TIMES RECORD • November 3, 2020

Moose hunt permit holders Brent and Carl were up well before dawn on the opening day of the 2020 moose hunt. Four of us were located at remote Priestly Camp on the St. John River in far northern Maine. On day 2, optimism prevailed despite the first day failure. Departing shortly before sunrise, Brent soon returned to report a large bull moose had been dropped. My mission was to clear a path through thick brush for a sled to transport moose remains requiring refrigeration, while Brent and Carl cleaned and quartered it. An estimated 800-pound animal, about 450 pounds were recovered for delivery to the butcher. I spent the afternoon paddling the scenic meandering tributary. My reward arrived a few days ago. I’m researching recipes. ~ Ron Chase