Photographer lands in a dangerous spot while stalking a Maine bobcat

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • November 17, 2020

I live in Old Town, but we go to our 1,050-acre forest in Milford a lot. UMaine students conduct research in our forest. In 2014, I decided to put up a blind to photograph a bobcat. One day, I heard a car, then students started walking up our road. The boy wanted to teach his girlfriend how to use a gun. He put a target and started shooting close to my blind. My husband, Bryan, arrived and asked me to crawl out. The students were really scared. I decided that, instead of calling the warden, I’d make them walk all around my forest. They needed to know how much I love it. They had to walk about two hours and they were wearing shorts. Yup. It was a funny day indeed. ~ Pam Wells