Opinion: Supporting Maine’s farmers and growing our agricultural economy

TIMES RECORD • November 18, 2020

More than 8,000 family farms throughout our state help sustain rural communities, protect the environment, and preserve the open space that is a vital part of our heritage. Maine’s dairy industry generates $570 million annually, contributes more than $25 million per year in state and local taxes, and provides more than 4,000 jobs. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on Maine’s families, farmers, and food systems have been serious and are certain to persist for months to come. That is why I have helped to lead bipartisan efforts in Congress to direct more support to farmers. Although the public health and economic crisis caused by COVID-19 has been unprecedented, the commitment and collaboration shown by Mainers helping Mainers today make me confident that we will prevail. ~ U.S. Sen. Susan Collins