Column: How do we ever get consistency in recycling?

TIMES RECORD • November 17, 2020

There are no set rules about what can and cannot be recycled. Every processor has their own way of doing it. That makes effective recycling education very difficult. There is, however, now a national effort to do some important things. One is to halt the use of newer plastics for which there is no recycling option available. Another is to drive manufacturers to instead produce less-wasteful packaging that can easily be recycled locally or use less packaging altogether. LD 2104 would reform recycling by providing a clear economic incentive for brand owners and big corporations to cooperate. This approach is called “Extended-Producer Responsibility” (EPR) for packaging, and it is already being used in other parts of the world. Buy less stuff in packaging that can’t be reused or recycled. Use washable mesh bags for your produce and reusable bags to bring your groceries home. Choose items that have less packaging. Then add your support to LD 2104. ~ Harry Hopcroft