3 marvelous days grouse hunting in the Maine woods

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • October 9, 2020

Earlier this week, I joined a group of friends on what has become a traditional way-too-short trip into the woods in search of ruffed grouse to shoot at, and moose to talk to. I’ve sometimes referred to this as our “catch-and-release moose hunt.” The reason: My group of pals and I haven’t let the lack of a moose permit get in the way of our attempts to capture video and still photos of the magnificent critters. Alas, this year, the moose didn’t participate. Over three days and hundreds of miles of driving, we saw plenty of tracks, and talked to some folks who’d offered up the familiar “You should have been here 10 minutes ago! He was the biggest moose we’ve ever seen” refrain. But photos? Video? Nope. We got nothing.