Opinion: The fight against the CMP corridor is not over

MORNING SENTINEL • October 29, 2020

Before Maine’s Supreme Court declared No CMP Corridor’s ballot initiative unconstitutional, despite the financial burden storms placed on Central Maine Power somehow found enough loose change in their coffers to donate an unprecedented $12,878,140 to their political action committee since October 2019. Not to be outdone, Hydro-Quebec, the other party who stands to profit handsomely from this project, donated $8,322,163 to their own PAC. Of great concern is a lease CMP obtained to cross public land in Somerset County with the NECEC corridor. This project would significantly alter the habitat of lands that are held in trust for our public use. Somehow this lease never went before the Legislature for the required two-thirds majority vote. This fight is not over, and I hope you join me on Nov. 3 as we collect signatures on the new petition. ~ Kate Weatherby, New Sharon