Here’s how hunters can make sure their lead bullets aren’t harming eagles

BANGOR DAILY NEWS • October 10, 2020

The Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife has passed along some tips to help make sure that scavenging birds, including bald eagles, don’t end up ingesting that lead, which can prove fatal.
• Low Effort: Leave your gut pile and carcass under conifers to hide from avian scavengers.
• Moderate effort: If you’re on your own property or have permission from the landowner, you can dig a shallow hole under conifers and bury your gut pile and carcass to prevent access from avian predators.
• Most effort: If you carry the remains of your gut pile and carcass out, leave nothing behind for scavengers to find. Use a trash bag and dispose of the carcass in a certified landfill.