DATE: Friday, July 13, 2018
TIME: 9:30-11:00 am
PLACE: Masonic Temple, 58 Monument Square, Concord, Massachusetts; Lower Level Meeting Room
ADMISSION: Registration required; for more information, click here
INFORMATION: The talk is a part of the 2018 Thoreau Society Annual Gathering in Concord, Massachusetts, from July 12 to 15, 2018. The theme is "Thoreau's Ecological and Cultural Vision for a Tolerable Future."
RESTORE's executive director, Michael Kellett, and Maine director, Jym St. Pierre will present an overview of RESTORE's New National Parks for America campaign.
In 1858, Henry David Thoreau was one of the first to suggest creating national preserves in the United States. The following year he wrote in his journal that, “Each town should have a park…a common possession forever….” The National Park System, widely touted as America’s best idea, has been a model for thousands of protected areas in scores of countries around the world. Yet, our portfolio of parks is incomplete. To achieve Thoreau’s ecological and cultural vision of a tolerable — indeed, a thriving — future, every community ought to have a commons and no one in the continental U.S. should have to live more than 50 miles from a national park. That is why RESTORE: The North Woods has started a New National Parks for America campaign.