DATE: Tuesday, July 10, 2018
TIME: 1:30-3:30 pm
PLACE: The Wheelhouse, 33 Bradford Street, West Concord, Massachusetts
ADMISSION: Free and open to the public
INFORMATION: For the 2018 Summer Village University agenda, click here
Michael Kellett, executive director of RESTORE: The North Woods, will be presenting a proposal to transform the White Mountain National Forest into a new National PARK. This beautiful, publicly owned forest is increasingly threatened by intensive logging, energy transmission corridors, and other industrial uses to benefit special interests. Transferring these lands from the resource development-oriented U.S. Forest Service to the preservation-oriented National Park Service would ensure that the ecological, recreational, and economic benefits of the White Mountains are permanently protected.
This talk is part of the 2018 Summer Village University Celebration of Knowledge, Devotion & the Arts, which will be held July 4-11 throughout the Town of Concord, Massachusetts.