Opinion: Biden administration must move more quickly to undo Trump’s climate mischief

MORNING SENTINEL • January 15, 2022

The Biden administration’s goal of halving 2005 emission levels by 2030 looks increasingly elusive. The administration should more quickly reverse the environmental mischief the Trump administration committed, but that is mired in bureaucracy. President Joe Biden, having correctly identified climate change as a looming emergency, must start treating it that way. Biden has tools available — including environmental regulations requiring more efficient electrical products like lightbulbs and major appliances. Biden’s urgent rhetoric on climate change hasn’t been matched by urgency in his Energy Department, which has turned back some of Trump’s environmental vandalism but has so far failed to finish the job of getting the lightbulb and other regulations back on track. These are standards that can have a meaningful impact on climate change and don’t need congressional approval. ~ Editorial by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Editorial Board